website design

Rise of the small business

The term ‘Website design’ is a phrase used by many people. Usually used when explaining what it is they require for their business website. Yes, the website needs a design however, one needs to dive deeper to understand what the business owner is trying to achieve. When we look at a website, we see the front end of a beautiful, well laid-out, informative website. However, what we don’t see is what’s behind the scenes of this website. The parts that make the website function as a tool in helping your business grow.

Right now over 41% of the world’s population is interconnected through the use of the internet. That’s 4.13 billion internet users around the world. This figure is rising every year as more and more people look online to go about their tasks. The COVID-19 pandemic has made it even more necessary for people to embrace the online world. Businesses big and small have had to change the way they do business. Hundreds of businesses have had to pivot their business models hugely just to stay afloat. These lucky few give thanks to their ability to adapt and embrace the online world.

At Your Business Online, our focus is getting small business an online presence. Once we have a presence through a website or social page we can start the process of getting your business website to start working for you. What do we mean by this? Well, a website should be more than just a pretty page. It should be regarded as an extra work colleague that never sleeps. A tool that helps you find business and potential customers. Allow us to show you how to start connecting your business to the online world.

Contact us for more information.

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